Overweight, Obese Women Improve Quality of Life with 10 to 30 minutes of Exercise a Week

Overweight, Obese Women Improve Quality of Life with 10 to 30 minutes of Exercise a Week

ScienceDaily (Mar. 13, 2008) — Sedentary, overweight or obese women can improve their quality of life by exercising as little as 10 to 30 minutes a day, researchers reported at the American Heart Association’s Conference on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism.

Obesity Raised Death Rate Associated With Sleeping Pills

Obesity Raised Death Rate Associated With Sleeping Pills

ScienceDaily (Mar. 16, 2012) — Obesity appears to significantly increase the risk of death tied to sleeping pills, nearly doubling the rate of mortality even among those prescribed 18 or fewer pills in a year, researchers have reported.

One Sugary Drink Per Day Raises the Risk of Heart Disease for Men

One Sugary Drink Per Day Raises the Risk of Heart Disease for Men

The evidence linking sugar-sweetened beverages with an array of health problems — including obesity and diabetes — keeps piling up. And a new study at the Harvard School of Health adds one more potential risk to the list: coronary heart disease.


Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech

Lifes setbacks can lead to life’s greatest dreams. Trust what you love. Go after what you love. Love what you do. If you haven’t found what you love, keep looking, don’t settle.

Portrait of Your Life Exercise

“When terrorists struck the United States on September 11, 2001, thousands of lives were lost in as instant.  Firefighters, young brides, lawyers, and entrepreneurs were struck down indiscriminately, inspiring the New York Times to begin a series called Portraits in Grief, a feature that was published in the paper almost every day for more than one year and was still running as late as 2008.”  

“This moving series included a short vignette, a snapshot of each person that focused on a telling detail or a typical story that brought him or her to life.  Portraits in Grief became required reading in some classes and therapy groups, and many people noted that the stories changed their lives for the better.  One lawyer said that reading the portraits was his daily “act of Kaddish” (a traditional daily Jewish prayer of mourning that is performed in the year following a loved one’s death), while others said that they were inspired to go after their own goals before it was too late.”

“How would you like your own “Portrait of Life” to read?  Take a few minutes to write a paragraph or two about how you would like to be remembered.  For inspiration, you can read the New York Times series at www.nytimes.com/pages/national/portraits/index.html.”

From Creating Your Best Life by Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP & Dr. Michael B. Frisch, 2009, pg 249, Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.

Being Here and Now

“A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive.” Walt Disney

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All about happiness!

This 20/20 video segment is well worth watching.  It comes in 4 parts.

Part 1: The Happiest Place on Earth

Interesting that the happiest place on earth also has one of the highest tax rates – you could say peoples happiness is subsidized.


Part 2: The Happiest Place in Asia

Politicians are paid over $1 million in salary to discourage bribes.  Rules create safety – there-fore happiness?

Part 3: Following Your Bliss  – and your silly dreams!

“Happiness happens one moment at a time.”  Life is Whimsical so dream high and celebrate sillyness.

Part 4: The How of Happiness

Happiness can be learned, nurtured and created.



9 (+1) Habits of A Highly Healthy People

1. Eat your vegetables

2. Eat Fish and or take fish oil

3. Be connected (with people)

4. Get some sun

5. Sleep well

6. Exercise everyday

7. Practice Gratitude

8. Drink red wine or eat grapes

9. Get the sugar out

I am adding – eat good fat!  Grass fed animal products, wild caught fish from healthy waters.

Read the whole article “9 Habits of Highly Healthy People.”

Hello world!